![]() This week has been rather exciting for a variety of reasons. Firstly my publicist Karen at Lighthouse PR has managed to convince some major media to interview me for magazine, radio… and even (gulp) TV. I promise I will share more on these later, when dates and times are finalised. The other exciting news has been hearing back from the people to whom I immediately mailed my books, after the release of Dancing on the Tundra, on March 1st. |

Meanwhile Misty, my Dillingham photographer who took the wonderful cover pic wrote excitedly to say her copy of the book had arrived in Dillingham, Alaska. I wrote and told Harry, “Well Harry, the books have reached Dillingham, Alaska.”
My brother in Melbourne wrote, “Book arrived and looks fantastic. You are becoming legendary!”

My sister in Christchurch emailed me the same day, “I checked the letterbox about 2 and have just checked again and the book is here - Yay!!”
Harry in Thailand just emailed. “The books arrived today!!! Thank you so much. Of course I went right to the hunting mishap. Great read! Now I can start at the beginning and enjoy it.”
Forget TV appearances I feel just so good to know that my Alaskan memoir has been greeted with such enthusiasm and joy, near and far!
People are receiving copies of Dancing on the Tundra all over the world, and that definitely makes me feel like a ‘world-wide author’!