The purchase of this piece of tiki touring equipment was through the online site Trade Me, where since our return from Alaska, I have logged on for everything we have needed. Cars to tablecloths, saunas to clothing have all been bought online. It made me realise that those years of practice on where I could access that comfortable world beyond my remote bush Alaska living had left an indelible mark on me, namely Trust of online purchases. Trust, that is, of the honesty of online pictures and descriptions, and my own ability to 'spot a bargain'.
I have also gained a huge added bonus Trust, that of meeting and dealing with fellow Kiwis, it has all been such a positive experience, and the caravan purchase has once again proven that. "Come and stay with us whenever you're back up here."
Since his return from up North, Gary and Bill have been poring over our purchase, dragging out equipment from under the seats, plugging things in here and there, all the while muttering in manly sentences, 'Yeah, she goes here', 'I reckon we could add that', 'piece of cake' etc. As a result of all this unveiling we have decided to 'take her for a bit of a run', to 'try her out' up to Tapawera and then on to Murchison, where I have planned to share some books and give a talk at Murchison Library this Wednesday afternoon.
So we are now about to embark on our first tiki tour south of here, followed by more one or two night stays, where I can share my stories, while Gary (and Carter) get to see more of our beautiful New Zealand countryside.
Of course the forecast is for rain.